Dr. Akhlaq-ur-Rahman Kidwai

Dr. Akhlaq-UR- Rahman Kidwai was born to Late Shri Ashfaqur Rahman Kidwai and Late Shrimati Nasimunnisa on Ist July 1920 at Vill. Baragaon, Distt.Barabanki (U.P.). He was married in December 1941 with Shrimati Jamila Kidwai. He passed B.A., M.S., Ph.D. Educated at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi & University of Illinois and Cornell University, U.S.A.
As a student Dr. Kidwai took part in all freedom movements initiated by Mahatma Gandhi from 1930 onwards, took active part in the historic August 1942 Quit India Movement; attended the Congress Session in Bombay; was associated with the underground socialist leaders Shri S.M. Joshi, Shri Ashok Mehta and Shrimati Aruna Asaf Ali; played active role in the publication of the Congress News Bulletin and broadcasting news through Azad Radio in Bombay.
Dr. Kidwai held various important posts. He served as Professor and Head, Department of Chemistry; Dean, Faculty of Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (1951-67). He was Chairman and Member of, Union Public Service Commission of India (1967-79).
He held the post of Governor of Bihar (First Term, 1979-85), Chancellor, Aligarh Muslim University, (1983-90), President, Vocational Education Society for Women, New Delhi, Governor of Bihar (Second Term, 1993-98), Governor of West Bengal (1998-99), Chairman, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, Delhi University (1998-2003), Research and Development Chemist, Cipla Labs., Bombay (1941-45), Director, Department of Research Plant Products, Tibbiya Colleges, Aligarh University (1951-67), National Chairman, Institute of Marketing and Management, New Delhi, Chairman, Bombay Mercantile Co-operative Bank, Mumbai (1999-2003).
Dr. Akhlaq-UR- Rahman Kidwai was elected to Rajya Sabha in January 2000. As a member of Rajya Sabha till July 6, 2004 he served in various Parliamentary Committees like Consultative Committee for the Ministries of Science and Technology, Environment and Forest ( 2000-04), Standing Committee on Agriculture, Water Resources and Food Processing Industries 15th March 2000-2004 and Committee on Subordinate Legislation (2000-2004). His consistent and steady growth resulted in the post of Governor of Haryana and he adorned this post from 7th July 2004 to 27th July, 2009.
Dr. Kidwai was widely travelled personality who participated in a number of scientific, technological and educational conferences in different foreign countries like USA, U.K., Germany, France, Finland, Sweden, Japan, Hungry and extensively toured South and West Asian countries. He also led Government of India Delegation to Saudi Arabia on the occasion of Haj in 1994 and in June 04 he was invited to deliver a keynote address at European Conference on Internationalization of Scientific Research and Development at Helsinki. He died on 24 August 2016 (aged 95), New Delhi.